Getting to know KKP-ST, INC.

What is KKP-ST, INC.?

KKP-ST, Inc. has been engaged primarily in the promotion and advancement of Chemistry as a science in the Southern Tagalog region and nearby provinces. It has actively taken the lead role in disseminating information and knowledge in Chemistry and its allied fields through its various activities such as holding of the annual convention, and conducting seminars, workshops and trainings.

KKP-ST, Inc. became formally registered as a non-stock and non-profit association with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on January 29, 2016. The Professional Regulatory Board of Chemistry has also recognized KKP-ST, Inc. as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program Provider since 2018.


KKP-ST, Inc. aims to:
  • To encourage and promote the advancement of chemical science and technology in the Southern Tagalog area;
  • To take an active role in the dissemination of knowledge in chemistry and its allied fields in the Southern Tagalog region through its various activities such as holding of the annual convention, and conducting seminars, workshops and trainings;
  • To serve the needs of the region and the country by making available its technical advice and assistance on matters relating to chemistry and its allied fields;
  • To provide effective assistance to enable the programs and projects through which the association can effectively contribute to nation-building through its assistance to the schools and universities, as well as to the industrial and business sectors in the Southern Tagalog area;
  • To maintain high standards of professional conduct among its members;
  • To promote close liaison and fellowship among its members and those in the other professional organizations for the advancement of science.


KKP-ST, Inc. envisions itself to be a dynamic and proactive organization committed to promote the recognition of the role of chemists and allied professionals and the advancement of chemistry towards a sustainable and progressive scientific community.


The Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas – Southern Tagalog, Inc. was established in 1971 as the Kapisanan ng mga Kimiko ng Pilipinas (Chemical Society of the Philippines) Los Baños Chapter (KKP-LB) by a core group of chemistry professionals from the University of the Philippines Los Baños. The organization later expanded to establish scientific linkages in the Southern Tagalog region, hence its present name.

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Membership Application Process

Step 1: Fill-up form

The applicant accomplishes the form at:

Step 2: Reviewing Process

The application is reviewed and will be decided by the KKP-ST, Inc. Board of Directors and Officers.

Step 3: Payment Fees

The successful applicant pays the following: 
Application Fee:
PHP 50.00 
Membership Fee:
PHP 300.00
Annual Dues:
PHP 300.00 for regular or associate member OR
PHP 2,000.00 for life member (one time payment)

Step 4: Payment Channels

Bank Name: Philippine National Bank (PNB)
Account Name: Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas Southern Tagalog 
Account Number: SA 2464 1002 6630 
Branch: PNB Laguna UPLB

GCash: Ma. Desiree Belina Aldemita
Account Number: 09165807449 

Upload the proof of payment at:

Step 5: Oath-taking

The successful applicant takes professional oath.

Step 6: Certification

New member receives a certificate of membership.