50th Annual Convention and 1st International Scientific Conference

Theme: "Fostering International and Interdisciplinary Convergence: Rising as One in the New Normal"
When : 22-25 November 2021

Convention Gallery

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Membership Application Process

Step 1: Fill-up form

The applicant accomplishes the form at:

Step 2: Reviewing Process

The application is reviewed and will be decided by the KKP-ST, Inc. Board of Directors and Officers.

Step 3: Payment Fees

The successful applicant pays the following: 
Application Fee:
PHP 50.00 
Membership Fee:
PHP 300.00
Annual Dues:
PHP 300.00 for regular or associate member OR
PHP 2,000.00 for life member (one time payment)

Step 4: Payment Channels

Bank Name: Philippine National Bank (PNB)
Account Name: Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas Southern Tagalog 
Account Number: SA 2464 1002 6630 
Branch: PNB Laguna UPLB

GCash: Ma. Desiree Belina Aldemita
Account Number: 09165807449 

Upload the proof of payment at: bit.ly/KKPSTMembershipPayment2023

Step 5: Oath-taking

The successful applicant takes professional oath.

Step 6: Certification

New member receives a certificate of membership.